Thank you. I don't speak French very often.
It's not as good as my English anyway.
I can only give a personal opinion on that. Is a billion dollars adequate? I'm an actor. I don't know what a million dollars is—and I don't mean to make a joke of it.
I have to wonder about management choices at the CBC, but is it adequate? I don't believe it's adequate when decisions such as the one made a year and a half ago during a national crisis, the National Hockey League lockout—I joke—are made. The CBC could not broadcast that very popular, highly rated program on Saturday evenings, Hockey Night in Canada, and they were going to lose a great deal of revenue. I spoke to two of the senior managers of the CBC about this, and they were so desperate that they said they had no choice but to import Hollywood films to fill that time slot so that they could satisfy the advertisers. They absolutely needed that advertising revenue to keep the network going, and they couldn't get by.
I quarrel with their choice. There are fabulous Canadian films. Some of the actors present here today have been in some fabulous Canadian films. They could have been shown and the CBC could have probably gained a great deal of advertising, but management insisted that the funding of the CBC was insufficient without the advertising revenue generated during hockey games.
If that slight change could sink the ship without advertising revenue that was equivalent, then clearly there's something wrong with one of two things: whether there is enough money, and how that money is managed. I can't venture an opinion as to how the money is managed. I manage my bank account and that of my family.
I don't mean to skirt the question, but I do believe it is not enough. You heard from my colleague Mr. Bhaneja that in real dollars, the amount of money available to the CBC has declined over the last significant period of time.
I wonder if Mr. Thompson has a comment on it.