I know your particular interest, and you have spoken to the fact that it is what you've presented here. I think you can be very helpful to us, because I think we have common cause. I know how important Radio-Canada and other francophone expressions have been across the country.
I come from New Brunswick, where this is very important.
I think your experience in recognizing how important it is in the context of minorities within Canada and various parts of the country is an experience that Canadians in the continent have, being overwhelmed in the same way with American cultural and values expression. Francophones, Acadiens in New Brunswick, would have the experience of being overwhelmed with anglophone influence, and it is a very difficult balance to find.
You were here for the last two witnesses. To some extent I'm struggling with an instinct to try to isolate ourselves by restricting what's incoming. I don't know the level of possibility of restricting it.
I've got two kids, 20 and 22, whose world is just completely different from mine in the context of inputs. I don't know if it is trying to bail out the boat with a teaspoon. The reality is that maybe what we really have to do, and I think that's been the experience, is to use your experiences in analogy for ours. I think that's been the experience. It has not been that we're resisting as much as we're building alternative opportunities.
Because we have new technology, perhaps we can embrace that new technology to build alternatives, which is not to say that I find some of the stuff I see any more deplorable than Mr. Angus does in terms of some of this programming. I just don't know that...what we really need to focus on, in addition to restrictions, as much as you can restrict it, is good solid alternatives, so that Canadians can see expression. The former witnesses talked about Canadian values in the context of all the lists they presented in their presentation, but in reality that isn't just a matter of measuring what's coming at us in the context of those things, but offering alternative content that contains those values.
Am I on the right track in this?