There were a lot more reporters out in the community. In talking to ordinary people now, it seems that our papers and news airwaves are full of national and international media and we forget about the local people.
Coming from Stratford, as I do, and talking about costumes and artifacts—with the Stratford Festival's 50 anniversary a couple of years ago, I know their archives are very important.
Also, when I looked through your brief, referring to the Plouffe Family, I can remember watching the show as a youngster. I have been told that they are all gone. There are three left out of that series.
I know when I first came on this committee, we were putting the library and the archives together. There was quite a debate. I know how much in disrepair some of our archival places were and how some of our national treasures have been lost.
So I applaud your initiatives in those cases, and I hope we can put something forward for the people of Hamilton and the district.
Thank you very much for your presentation.
We will recess until 2 o'clock.