The current funding structure is such that with the kind of support we offer from the federal government, on average, all the organizations we support throughout Canada generate a total revenue of about $1 billion. Our share of that $1 billion is now at 7%. It's at one of the lowest levels in the history of the Canada Council during the last 50 years.
This level is not significant enough to support the creation and dissemination of Canadian works of high quality that Canadians expect from their own artists. That's why we believe an increase in our parliamentary appropriation is needed to support the artists in their projects and in their dissemination, touring across Canada and around the world.
The solutions you're exploring for the CBC are similar to the solutions we've explored. Artists are seeking their funding not from one source, but from multiple sources. This multiplicity of sources brings artistic diversity, brings freedom of expression, and brings overall a greater dissemination of Canadian arts.
So diversity should be the approach in the funding of the CBC, as it is for the Canada Council.