I'm not sure I understand your question entirely, but we would see the CBC as having a slightly different mandate from the conventional broadcasters, and certainly the specialty broadcasters.
Our basic view on the CBC is that its production side, and in particular its acquisition side, should be properly funded to fulfill its mandate. Right now that's done through a variety of ways. CBC accesses the CTF, etc., and we support that for the moment. Our preferred view would be to look again at the CBC's role, look at what it could be doing in a changing world, and fund its programming and production capacity and its relationship with the production sector in a proper way.
So we think it comes back to the basic mandate; I think it's slightly different from the conventionals. CBC right now is in this kind of grey zone fighting for advertising and competing with the privates in that respect. Ultimately they are all competing for money at the CTF, etc.
In one way, you can say that's a healthy thing. In another way, maybe the CBC should focus more specifically on quality programming and worry a little less about audiences, worry more about quality, and then be funded properly to do it.