I don't want to overstate that. I don't think it's a serious problem. I think it has been a problem in the past.
I know about ten years ago when I was working for Alliance Atlantis I was working with the CBC on a number of feature films, and I would say I was a little bit frustrated with their view. They were seeing it as really a movie of the week for their purposes and not fully appreciating that it was a feature film for world exploitation. Their window was limited to their broadcast, and they really needed to appreciate that it was going to go out theatrically, not just in Canada, but hopefully around the world as well, and that certain aspects of that in terms of the script and the casting needed to be different, perhaps, from what they might have wanted if they had been positioning it as a movie of the week. But again, that's ten years ago.
What we would like to see is for the CBC to become a real partner with the independent producers and the distributors in pre-licensing feature films, helping to develop them, and gaining a sort of keen appreciation of what distinguishes a feature film from a television movie.