Yes, and it may have been said before, but I'll tell you that it hasn't been said in the context of the hearings that we have been holding. So I appreciate that, and maybe I'm just an idealist in believing that the CBC has an important role in terms of holding the country together.
I think specifically on the issue of foreign affairs or having an independent and totally objective view on some of these things, as you've identified, if opinion leaders and people who understand the issues had a platform that was totally free from other influences, maybe we would have something of significant value. So maybe Canadians wouldn't tune in to the CBC every day, but on an issue-by-issue basis there may be even more reason for Canadians to be drawn to this broadcaster.
My concern is that we have certain segments of the population that are never turning to the CBC. I guess my hope would be that we have a broadcaster maybe that not everybody watches every day but that everybody eventually watches at some point.
Foreign affairs obviously is something that you've identified as a thing we could discuss on this. Are there any other areas that you think would be important? I don't want to define for the CBC what they put forward or what not, but I do want to be able to provide some direction, I guess.