Thank you very much.
I realize the question I am about to ask you is possibly going to be outside your mandate, but I'm asking it anyway, because it is a huge problem—and you've mentioned it in paragraphs 29 and 30, and at the back on page 45. It has to do with the conflict between the CBC's mandate to be a public broadcaster and to have quality Canadian programming, and its need to be competitive and therefore to buy advertising. It is obvious that the CBC has to go out for advertising, since it doesn't have the funds it needs from the public sector or government. So there is a conflict there.
The second part is about its need to keep up and compete in terms of technology, in terms of digital media. It really needs to move forward, if it's going to be truly competitive. To do that, it needs money.
The third part, of course, is how does it get on those platforms and move forward?
So we have the issue of competitiveness and advertising and how the CBC can perform properly in terms of achieving its mandate while trying to do that. It begs the question of, should the CBC be freed of its reliance on an advertising budget? How would that change the structure and the mandate and the reporting of the CBC, its governance, etc.? Would it necessarily do so?