Mr. Chair, as the Auditor General mentioned, the CBC has six strategic priorities in their corporate plan. In the annual report, we found that they reported pretty well on the programming aspect, but if we look at the other five aspects, we didn't see any performance indicators, and there's a lack of results information. I really believe they have to improve this. We have been informed that they're working on this. If we look at the latest annual report, for 2005-2006, they explicitly mention in the report that they are developing what they call a performance dashboard that will be implemented over the next three years. So I guess we should expect to see better information on the achievement of those results in the future.
In terms of cost, I think one of the key things is that it was extremely difficult for us to make comparisons between the two networks, because there are significant differences in the way costs are accumulated. We would have liked to compare French and English for a number of activities, but the costing system they have now doesn't allow for such comparisons.