We do. In addition to special examinations of crown corporations, of course, we do the financial audit each and every year. There is some discussion with the crown corporation about what they're doing and whether they are meeting the action plan they set out.
In the case of the CBC and others, we also look to what measures they have in place. Have they done an action plan? In this case, they did a very detailed action plan. I think it was some 30 pages or more. We look at the process they have internally to ensure that the action plan is meeting its targets.
CBC has involved their internal audit in tracking this. They also have reports to the audit committee, which also follows that. So that gives us some assurance that the corporation is taking this seriously and is working on it.
When we go back—and a year and a half is still fairly early for some of these recommendations, especially performance measurement and systems—we will look, when we do our financial audit, just to make sure things seem to be progressing as planned. We don't go back in, though, and do a re-audit until we go back for the next special examination.