—fragmentation of the television audience right now.
If we're not aiming to attract more than there are currently—and we're seeing a downward trend in terms of the audience, the percentage of Canadians who are watching CBC—if we aren't trying to reverse that trend and yet we're still asking taxpayers to increasingly give more, I think there's an issue here in terms of us asking Canadians to give more but we're giving less back. I think that's the paradigm we're all trying to grapple with here, around the table.
I strongly believe we have to have a CBC all Canadians can have some affiliation with. And I'm not saying they have to watch it all the time, but I'm saying every Canadian should have some desire to watch it at some point. So that's the question. Maybe I have to change my thinking in terms of believing that the CBC is not or should not be for all people, but I'm not willing to concede that as of yet, unless you can give me an argument as to why that should be.