I went back over some of your testimony, and I think in general terms you're against broad collaboration with private broadcasters—I think you said that early on—because I believe you feel they have divergent goals. You've also said that you oppose CBC trying to appeal to a mass market. You've stated that you'd like to have more of a focus on niche markets, and a focus on high-quality programming that otherwise might not be shown. This brings me to the question, which is again the commercialization of CBC.
You've suggested that CBC focus on activities that might not generate as much advertising revenues. There have been two schools of thought presented at this table. One is that CBC should get out of the advertising business altogether, perhaps follow the radio model as opposed to English and French television.
There are those who believe that we're into advertising now, and if you want to maintain a robust CBC you will have to maintain those advertising revenues and perhaps even top them up with more government funding.
Your suggestion seems to be that we should be weaning CBC from reliance on commercial advertising. Am I correct in reading between the lines?