Let me just address one small part of what Madam Bourgeois brings up. That's in terms of the CBC's involvement as a partner with arts organizations, so in other words, people doing theatre, symphony orchestras, publishers, all those people. There's a win-win possibility here, because recent statistics show that Canadians—in fact, North Americans generally—are increasing their participation in the arts. More people are attending symphony concerts. More people are going to the theatre. More people are reading books in Canada now than before, extraordinarily.
So when the CBC gets involved with the arts, not only are they helping to promote the arts, but they're getting involved in something that Canadians are already interested in. In other words, it's like doing sports broadcasting. If CBC does sports, then they pick up support, they pick up audience, because Canadians like sports. Well, increasingly Canadians are showing that they are interested in the arts and culture in the most general sense.
So it's a very win-win situation for the CBC to partner with arts organizations and to increase its participation that way. I completely agree with you.