I have just a small follow-up in terms of new platforms and new media.
The CBC had a terrific program, called Zed, which was on a couple of years ago. Nobody really knew what it was, at the end of the day, but it was designed to be some kind of way to interact with the new audience and established audiences by having it both on the Internet and on television. It was great for documentaries as well as for fiction. But the sad thing that I found was that with the last go-around, with the new model of how the CBC would work content-wise, Zed didn't factor into it. I think it was something that was perhaps given up on too soon.
I do a lot over in Scandinavia, particularly in Sweden. They're going nuts over the model. We invited the acquisitions editor of Zed over to Sweden to do a talk with the Nordic short film and documentary distribution association. They are looking seriously at this as a way of interacting with their audiences.
In addition, just when Zed was cancelled, one of the main founders gave a talk down in Las Vegas, and Al Gore's television station was also interested.
I think that's a model that could be picked up again and perhaps have a strong presence in the regions, because if it's strictly net-based, it might not be that difficult to work with in terms of infrastructure.