I think the audience of today is less interested in a show on how the car performs on the highway and more interested in a show on “car in the ditch, car in the ditch”. It's feeding a certain element of the audience's taste, but at the same time I think it's important there's a balance out there when we make programs.
You're talking about the cost of production skyrocketing. It certainly is, and if you look at the last set of CTF guidelines there is recognition that the cost of pilots is almost double the cost of an aggregated one-hour series. The guidelines have been revised to reflect this. You can expect a half-hour pilot of Little Mosque on the Prairie to cost $800,000, with a run rate of around $400,000 if you are doing 13 of them. This has just been recognized by the Canadian Television Fund in the new guidelines, and there are new licensing and contribution thresholds to reflect the high cost of pilot production. So the cost of production is also a stress on the amount of production that will be done.