Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Thank you for your presentation this morning.
Ms. Wilson, I'd like to follow up on the last sets of comments. We've heard fairly consistently about the disappearance of resources from the regions, not just of the funding envelope, but the complete loss of a generation of producers, of script support, of the people at CBC in the various regional offices who were looking for the new ideas. If they're not there, you're going to have to go to Toronto to pitch your story. That seems to be a sense we're hearing across this country.
I'd like to ask you a two-part question. Firdt, is it your experience here in Newfoundland that the actual infrastructure of ideas and support at the regional office of CBC here is disappearing through the loss of key people?
Second, we haven't had a major drop in budget at CBC in the last 18 months, and yet it seems that the empire strikes back. Toronto and Montreal are pulling in all their markers. Is this a senior management decision? Are they just not interested in the regions of Canada? What would you say is the cause of that?