I think that clearly, as a supporter of the CBC, I have to couch it as a supporter of the CBC. I think I'm still allowed to criticize them, and I certainly have. If you're looking for particular criticism, I would encourage the current management to spend a little more time looking at institutional history and to see what has worked and not worked in the past and to integrate that in with their bold new vision. I have a concern that they have a trend to go more urban. I'm not sure if that's paranoia or if it's real, but it's certainly something that we're watching, and we're putting good stories in front of them.
I have to just go back to add to what I felt about Little Mosque on the Prairie being shot in Toronto. I'm currently developing a project that is an incredibly famous Canadian book by a famous Canadian writer, and it's set in Toronto, at the University of Toronto. If I option that and do it, I will shoot it here and double it as Toronto. I think I'm allowed to do that; that's okay in our country—we have mobility laws. So that's why, I think, I didn't sort of knee-jerk and say “Those Toronto bastards, taking Little Mosque on the Prairie from Saskatchewan and bringing it in,” because perhaps I will shoot a Toronto show here. Who knows?