I'm sorry, I'm going to go on to my final question, because I'll get cut off.
I'm just going to throw a real softball. The argument could clearly be made that the Canadian government spends lots of money creating content, maybe another $400 million or $500 million, at least. If we look at Telefilm, the CTF, Independent Film and Video Fund, the Feature Film Fund, the tax credit, it would be much higher. Yet we have a national broadcaster that in the summer is showing Lethal Weapon 3 or something, and there's a question of how many people are seeing all the great content that we're producing.
Is the model that we have a model that worked great in the 1970s, and in a multi-channel universe do we have to rethink all these separate funding silos so we're ensuring that the content that is being created and funded through our tax dollars is actually being seen in a way that all Canadians can enjoy?
I'd throw that out to whoever.