You got the part II licence fees, which the private guys just repatriated, which is about $60 million or $70 million more that they now have to spend in Los Angeles.
If they were doing something with all of this money that they were collecting from all the sources you just pointed out, and doing something in the public interest, as they're supposed to.... Radio frequencies are public property; they're not private property. And because they're public property, the private broadcasters are supposed to do something in the public benefit and the CRTC is supposed to regulate it. I don't think the CRTC is doing its job. I think it has been captured, frankly, by the broadcasting lobby.
The private broadcasters are demonstrating an incredible amount of greed in the way they're spending their money, and they're not doing it where they need to do it. Last year $688 million was spent in Los Angeles. Somebody has to say, “Wait a second, radio frequencies are public property. You guys aren't doing your job. We think there have to be certain standards set.” If the CRTC is supposed to set them and doesn't set them, then somebody has to take the CRTC to task, frankly, for not doing its job.
I also think that the broadcasters are a bit disingenuous, in that they make their money because it's a regulated environment. They are protected from competition. Frankly, if they were in a real open environment of free market competitiveness, NBC would come up here and set up a channel in Toronto and get CFTO by the throat. CFTO would scream and say, “Wait a second, we're in a different country. That's unfair. NBC can't come up here and do that to us.” But at the same time, they say, “Wait a second. The CBC is unfair. They're competing with us.”
Basically, they try to get it every which way they can. That's understandable. They're businessmen. That's the way they want to make their money. Great, but I don't think the rest of us have to be so gullible. I don't think you parliamentarians should be so gullible as to believe that they need 25,000 different ways of making money and they don't need any responsibilities in exchange.