Content is the key; all the rest is housekeeping. Robert Fowler said that in 1957, and I think it is still true.
I have a vision. I don't have a dream, but I do have a vision, which is that somewhere in Treasury Board the CBC and the Canadian Forces are going to get their budgets mixed up and the CBC will have a budget of $16 billion and the Canadian Forces will get a budget of $1 billion. The Canadian Forces, with that money, can only do one thing: withdraw their forces from all around the world and trade in their tanks and what have you for some airplanes, and they will guard the east, west, and north coasts. If Greenland invades Canada, they speed-dial the Pentagon and tell the guys at the Pentagon, “We're being invaded. Do something.” And of course the Americans will do something.
But the 49th parallel is where we need to spend $16 billion in National Defence dollars, and then with that $16 billion we would find out that, gee whiz, we have so much money that we have to make so much programming, and we'll have to do really good-quality programming; and furthermore, we don't have enough people to do it right away, so we're going to have to get all the Canadian people in Los Angeles to come back. The next thing you know, the Americans down there are going to say, “Wait a second, how come those guys are making more money than I am? I want to move to Canada now.” We're going to have a reverse brain drain, and the next thing you know, Canada is going to be the centre of the world.
That could in fact happen in television programming just with a shift like that, which is within the actual total budget of the Canadian government--just by getting the address reversed of those two segments.
Anyway, it's a vision, and maybe you guys can suggest that.