From my point of view, everything you said about children is the crux of the problem. A child gets bigger, grows up, and develops a psychological personality. When he is fed with pictures and images in general, and when they are marked by an identity other than that of his natural surroundings, he can become alienated over time. So the United States and not Canada has another potential customer. My heart bleeds for you because you share your language with the Americans.
By contrast, Quebec has stood firm for two centuries because we have our own language. I know the problem well. I come from Africa and I have inherited several histories of colonization and cultural alienation. I know what I am talking about. You are in danger, and someone should say so.
When you say that CBC must be supported, I agree with you. The problem is simple. The problem is money. Mr. Cox rightly compared putting money into a public broadcaster like the CBC to putting money into hospitals, highways, schools and health care. It is not a profit-oriented endeavour. It is part of collective education. We can talk of public broadcasting and education in the same breath. They are fundamental. It is essential for anglophones in Canada and in Quebec to support that pillar that ensures their cultural sovereignty. In Quebec, we do what is necessary with what we have.
I would like to know if you prefer—we were talking about money—one way or another. I ask the question in advance because I do not know what will happen. Everyone agrees that CBC/SRC is underfunded. If there are other methods of funding, what are they in your opinion?