Canada's independent documentary industry is a creative success story. Canada has long been known and recognized for the quality of its documentaries. They are among the world's best, most relevant and most compelling. Our documentaries are world travellers and our best ambassadors overseas. Thanks to them, the world sees a vision of Canada, and our unique point of view on international issues.
We feel that in-house production services at either public or private broadcasters cannot make films like those previously mentioned. All those films are the work of a single voice, a creator, an author with his own point of view. This voice is not subject to market forces, nor to political influence, a particular concern in an organization that is affiliated to the government.
These documentaries are developed for the most part by small and medium-sized independent production companies, thereby ensuring the diversity of points of view and approaches that marks the richness and variety of Canadian documentary filmmaking.
We recommend that the number of hours and amount of money spent at CBC and SRC on in-house documentary programming be substantially reduced, and that the figures be publicly disclosed.