I would like to give you a less technical point of view on that subject. The act governing CBC/Radio-Canada states that all Canadians must have access to the corporation's service. I'm talking about the Francophone side. The same is true for Anglophones in Canada as a whole. That reality also exists for Francophones outside Quebec.
We're now being told that not only will the over-the-air signal no longer be accessible, but it will be through a digital system, and thus by cable. All Canadians will therefore have to subscribe and pay cable fees. If they want to have access to other CBC/Radio-Canada services—for a number of years now, CBC/Radio-Canada, especially the French network, has moved toward convergence of new platforms, in both radio and television and with Internet sites—Canadian taxpayers, who are already paying taxes in order to have CBC/Radio-Canada services and programs produced by the private sector, but financed out of their taxes, will then have to pay even more, in particular through satellite and cable services, to get CBC/Radio-Canada service. No later than yesterday, I paid my Vidéotron bill. I paid $94 for high-speed Internet, digital television service and cable. If I want to watch Radio-Canada, I have to pay more. Under the act, unless it has been amended, Radio-Canada will have to find the financial or technological means to ensure that the signal and services are available free of charge to all Canadians.