Vincent and I are former Radio-Canada employees. I don't know whether that's the case of Lise and Jean-Pierre. There are 12 of us around this table. If each of us went off on our own and prepared our own optimum programming schedule, the result would be 12 or 18 different proposals. Radio-Canada has to offer something for everyone, whether it be international information, scientific magazines, youth programs or major Canadian dramas. There has to be something in it for everyone, perhaps not constantly, but part of the time. That's the reason why Radio-Canada is in a way condemned to succeed.
If that success enables Radio-Canada managers to generate independent advertising revenue, I don't see why the broadcasting system would deprive itself of that. It is its ratings success that generates that additional revenue. It would be hard to justify doing without it, in view of the fact that the potential is there, in the same way as any other resource available to the country.