Yes, it was beautiful.
We came in at just the right time. I know we started a little late. I've extended this period a little bit, so we're trying to gain from everyone.
I'd like to say one thing. We are studying the role of the public broadcaster in the 21st century, and I have heard no indication that we are going to ever get rid of the CBC. I must say that there were drastic cuts a number of years ago, and I think that the CBC is a very vibrant part of our culture and our broadcasting system, because with those drastic cuts, they have still done a tremendous job. They're still here today for us to talk about how we're going to go forward in the 21st century.
Thank you very much for your presentations today, for answering the questions. Feel free, if you have any other questions or ideas that you would like to send forward to us, to please do that.
We will recess for a couple of minutes to change witnesses.