We could be here a long time. There are many aspects of CBC that I follow. Of course, everyone has a great love for the radio, whether you're in your car or on the road. It's one of the great institutions that we have across this country.
My familiarity with Radio-Canada is less profound, but I'm certainly aware of it. My knowledge of CBC television is well known, just because it's been part of our upbringing for as long as I've been in this country.
One of the things I would say, as I've been getting more into this position in the last month, is that I realize the profound depth of services that CBC offers to Canadians across this country. One of the issues at hand is to get the message out to Canadians about the various services we have.
As you know, we're a country and a corporation that provides services in two official languages, across five and a half time zones, and in eight aboriginal languages. We have RCI, Radio Canada International, and RCI Viva. When you compare this with an institution like the BBC, which operates in one time zone and one language, it's quite a profound organization that's reaching out to all Canadians.
When I was in Vancouver, I had the occasion to be introduced to CBC Radio 3, the Internet radio that is also on the Sirius satellite radio network on channel 94. If you could have seen the enthusiasm of the announcers, it was quite something.