I believe it is more than we proportionally get here in Canada, but I'd like to get that answer for you and come back.
When we watch the shows where they do their funding on TV, there's the effort and the cost, and the net they get back is very small relative to the amount of money they take in. So it's an extremely expensive way to raise money.
I'd like to give you an idea of per capita costs. CBC costs the Canadian taxpayer $30 a year per person. In the U.K. it's probably about $80 a year per person. So what if you sat down and asked Canadians, “How much do you pay for your Internet connection? How much do you pay for your telephone? How much do you pay if you have Sirius satellite radio? Do you have trouble with the thought of paying $30 for CBC and all it offers?”
I believe it's incumbent upon us as CBC to really tell Canadians what we provide for them. It's not just being able to turn on the radio and drive from A to B listening to CBC radio or to watch Hockey Night in Canada. There is so much in our stable of services that part of the challenge for my board and senior management is to really let Canadians know what we're all about. Then they might be willing to pay $35 or $40 per person instead of $30 per person.