Perhaps Tony could also answer that question. I, for one, believe that CBC/Radio-Canada must develop strategies specific to each form of media. For the radio, we all know that prime time is in the morning and late afternoon when we reach the largest audience. Shows that are broadcast during these hours are generally regional programs that serve local communities, but are also enriched with national or international content.
The strategy of radio stations consists of being increasingly open to the world. The best service to Francophones here in Canada is to provide them with access to the world. They must have increased access to international content, in order to be strong and to develop as a society. We believe that these prime time hours must be further developed.
The challenge with television is different. Television is developed within a mixed financial system, that is subsidized through a combination of government financial support and advertising dollars. It is not always easy to work within such a system. In terms of information, we try to offer the best. Sylvain Lafrance and myself have taken the stance of pushing for greater cultural content and quality international news.
Our challenge is to strengthen democracy and culture, and we intend to do so.