I really like your philosophy. Your eloquent speech on culture was very different from the many other speeches we have heard here. We are currently examining the mandate of the CBC, and talks often revolve around finances. We are always trying to get back to culture. You are using cultural language when you say that the NFB is the country's cultural conscience.
I was a high school teacher for 30 years and there was not a single school in my school board that had never worked with the National Film Board. The Board is a great source for teaching resources, for history just as much as French. It is a gold mine for schools, but it is not always well known. Making a speech just about finances when talking about the National Film Board gives people the wrong idea. We must think about the cultural benefits for the public and for our youth.
That said, you seem quite conscious of expressing cultural diversity as well, which I think is great. Our committee has visited various Canadian towns and the people do not necessarily relate to television. If NFB services were more available, perhaps they would relate a little more.
I have three questions for you. You spoke about planning. What I am asking could represent work to be done in the long term. In six months, you could maybe give us a strategic plan. This could cover a number of things, including the National Film Board's current situation, so that my colleagues who are not familiar with the services offered by the NFB can become familiar with them. That is very important.
What are you currently doing with the budget you are given? You plan on getting the National Film Board out there. I would like you to talk about what you are aiming for, with dates. You said that in two years the NFB would celebrate its 70th anniversary. There can be dates for the different steps and performance indicators. It would be very important to know how the Conservative government can benefit from planning or from what the National Film Board should be.
I know that that is a lot of work for you, but you seem very competent and I think you will be able to do this for us.
You were head of the NFB's English programming. Do the different branches face different challenges? There is also the francophone sector.
Do you think that documentaries receive enough support in Canada? Should there be more support? Do you think that documentary filmmakers can be satisfied with what the government is currently contributing?