Taken together, the BBC's television channels do get more of an audience than any other broadcaster's group of channels. BBC One and ITV, our principal network rival, get a pretty similar share. We are slightly ahead of them these days, but we used to be behind, and who knows, they may pull ahead again. The figures are broadly similar.
BBC Two comes out with a share around that of Channel 4, which is another major broadcaster. Just to tell you, the main network broadcasters in the U.K. are the BBC, ITV, Channel 4, and a smaller channel called Five. Five's audience is quite small. Not every part of the U.K. can receive Five.
My colleague, Daniel Wilson, very helpfully got me the figures for last year. In terms of reach, which is our principal source of measurement, BBC One in 2006-07 was reaching 78.4% of homes, as opposed to ITV, which was reaching 74.7%. BBC Two was reaching about 57% of homes, Channel 4 about 66%, and Five about 42%, whereas all the Sky channels put together were reaching about 33%. I hope that gives you a sort of sense of scale.