The licence fee is a fee imposed per household regardless of what channels you watch. Under British law you have to pay a licence fee even if you never watch a BBC service. That's not very likely; almost everyone does use the BBC to some extent. But even if you don't, the licence fee is essentially a tax on the use of a television for any purpose.
We don't make any incremental charge for our services. They're then provided free to air. We're on every digital platform, so whatever digital service you have, you will get our services, and of course we're also available, or at least our principal channels are available, via analog.
Other channels, commercial channels, divide between the free-to-air channels like ITV, Channel 4, Five, and a number of others, and those that charge a subscription. If you want those channels, then you do pay an extra monthly sum, but you won't get any of them through Freeview because Freeview has no monthly subscription and is provided entirely free to air. The BBC does not, itself, operate any services by subscription.