I don't think we can say there was a slowdown. The year the Quebec film industry recorded its biggest box office success was scarcely two years ago. That was in 2005 or 2006. My experts tell me I'm right. That's not very long ago. You can't see that as a downward trend. As you'll understand, we are dependent on the quality of productions made by producers. It isn't Telefilm Canada that makes the productions.
The years when films like those of Denys Arcand, for example, are hits around the world, the Quebec film industry obviously increases its box office percentage. I don't think we're looking at a trend.
I also sense in your question that you're concerned about the future of the Quebec film industry. I think an additional cash contribution is important, although I wouldn't say that it's the best solution. I think a co-production fund is a more permanent measure.
It's good to add money, government funding, to an industry, but that money, if it is added, must generate funding from the private sector and the outside. This industry must not become dependent on “social assistance”. No one wants that, and that's not what we're aiming at either. We should ensure, if there is an additional injection of money into the film industry, whether French-language or English-language, that we have programs to provide a framework for that new cash injection so that it stimulates other investment in the industry in question from outside Canada or from the private sector.