I would say that the media awareness part of the puzzle is as successful as it has been able to be. The material the Media Awareness Network has been able to turn out on its website--and I urge all members of the committee to take a look at it--and the quality of the material that's available has been remarkable for an organization with very small funding. I think it's slowly being recognized across the various educational platforms that maybe literacy is an important thing.
I think the problem a lot of teachers have is that they're being asked to do a lot of things parents used to do. They're trying to figure out when they have the time to teach the reading, writing, and arithmetic.
I don't think media literacy can be avoided. I know it's part of the curriculum in Ontario for particular grades. I'm not sure when it kicks in--I'm not an expert on that--but the more it's paid attention to at earlier ages, the better it is for everybody.