Thank you very much for presenting to us.
I think you make a good and clear case for looking at giving you other powers under AMPs.
I want to focus a little bit on the consultation on broadcasting in new media. It's interesting that you say your report found that “new media services had yet to have an impact on conventional radio and television audiences”. I don't think there is a single television station today that doesn't have Internet access to their news, to chat lines, to comments and questions and answers on whatever their topics are. It seems to almost be an extension now of the particular broadcast they did. I think it's important that this behaviour or this method of communicating with people also have some very clear guidelines for how they work.
So when you say you're not going to hold any public hearings until early 2009, that concerns me a little bit, because I think we are way behind all of the other countries in terms of looking at the issue of the digital platforms--all of them.
I want to ask you if you think your decision to wait until 2009 is a good one. Do you not believe you should be holding public hearings sooner, given that, as I said, all the television stations that I know of have various forms of talking to them, on the Internet and on various other platforms, and are reaching out to those platforms?