I was going to answer you, before you made that last comment, on the Net neutrality.
Both acts, the Broadcasting Act and the Telecommunications Act, do not by and large provide AMPs. The only portion where it is in the Telecommunications Act is when Parliament enacted the “do not call” list, they also provided AMP. It is something we need in our tool box.
As you know, in telecom we went from an ex ante regulation to an ex post regulation. Take your hands off, let the market operate, and only step in when there's market failure. It also means, if there's market failure, you want to repair, and you should also have meaningful.... We don't have that. I would love to have AMPs on both the broadcasting side and the telecom side.
One way to do it is rather than amending the Broadcasting Act, you would put it in the CRTC Act. The CRTC, with respect to all the acts where there are ministers, which are only two, may have the power to administer monetary penalties. That will indeed enhance our tool box and could be used both on the telecom side and on the broadcasting side.