You raised several points. Let me try to address them in order.
You mentioned that in 2006 we said it had yet to have an impact. Those were the views that were imparted to us, and that's what the CRTC reported.
Frankly, like you, I feel that was understating the issue. And therefore, when I became chairman, I immediately said we had to address this issue, this was coming at us, etc.
However, the issue is very complex and has lots of dimensions. There are as many views as there are people who you consult. And we, over the last year, commissioned a whole bunch of studies. We held seminars. We held colloques. We have participated in them in order to try to somehow figure out the total dimension of this new media.
Secondly, you asked what our aspect is. We are responsible for broadcasting, so I was very careful throughout my remarks to always say the “broadcasting in new media”. I'm looking only at broadcasting. I am not looking at Facebook. I am not looking at how it shapes it. I am looking only at broadcasting in new media.