It's hard to say whether individual cases....
We can walk through our process. Essentially, if we do receive a complaint--let's say it's a complaints-based process--where someone is offside on a particular subject, you're in the middle of a licence term. The licence term is seven years. Basically if somebody is offside, once you resolve the issue of the complaint, your ability to coerce or reprimand is a number of years into the future. You come up and have those discussions three or four years later.
If there continues to be failure in compliance, then what do you do? You have a shorter-term licence renewal. That's another three or four years, another couple of years of process. It becomes rather heavy and burdensome to step yourself through, whereas in our view, if you had been able to draw a line in the sand earlier, you would have avoided all of that extra procedure and cost and non-compliance.