Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I think the problem is that the French version says indexé selon, and in the English version it says “increases so”, and that's logically not correct. What that word should be replaced with is the word “and”. So I'm suggesting that in the English motion we replace the word “so” with the word “and”, and in the French version selon with the word et. It doesn't follow that just because you have indexation, the CBC's going to get its 37% share. It doesn't make logical sense.
I'm suggesting that it read as follows:
The Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage recommends that the government commit to allocating to the Canadian Television Fund long-term funding that is indexed to private sector increases and that the share of the Canadian Television Fund allocated to the CBC/SRC productions is always at least 30% of total funding.
That logically makes sense. As it's currently proposed, it doesn't.
In French:
Le Comité permanent du patrimoine canadien recommande au gouvernement de s'engager à accorder au Fonds canadien de télévision un financement pluriannuel et indexé selon les augmentations de la part du secteur privé; ...