Firstly, almost all public broadcasters in the world take advertising. They need it in order to fund their operations.
Maybe it's because I'm from the private sector, but I think advertising plays a very important role in keeping your nose to the grindstone in terms of your relationship to your audience. So I have no problem with advertising from those points of view.
I sometimes have a problem when advertising breaks up a program too much. There are distinct combinations of ways to do advertising that perhaps only a public broadcaster could do.
But we get about $330 million from our advertising, between English and French. If the government were to say to me, “I'll give you $330 million to get out of advertising”, I'd say to the government, “Let's negotiate. Quite frankly, we can do a much better job. Leave us in advertising, especially in sports, but tell us you'll give us that $330 million to put into programming, to put into extension of service.” I think there's a better use for public moneys than buying us—and I'll use those words—out of advertising.