Thank you for your question.
As regards the Court Challenges Program, as you know, a case dealing with that is currently before the courts. As a result, I will not be commenting on it.
With respect to the anglophone community in Quebec, we have already had several meetings. We have opened up real dialogue, which is both constructive and positive.
I would like to remind you of a certain number of facts. In the Speech from the Throne, we undertook to move ahead with the second phase of the Official Languages Action Plan, an initiative we were commended for by your leader. We have close relations. We announced a further injection of $30 million in the 2007 budget. I have undertaken to hold consultations with a view to hearing the concerns of official language communities across the country. They should begin very shortly. Those are the points I wanted to make with respect to the anglophone community in Quebec.
If I am not mistaken, in May 2006, I attended one of their meetings that was taking place in Gatineau. They told me that it was the first time a government minister had attended one of their meetings to say a few words and open up a dialogue with them. Indeed, I will be appearing before the Official Languages Committee in the coming days.
As regards the museums, I did, in fact, recently meet with representatives of Exporail. We are attentive to their needs. As you know, the government funds the national museums. Still, we are looking at how we can be of assistance to them.