Thank you. I will try to answer your four questions.
As regards the management of public funds, our government has certainly made its mark in that area. Over the years, we want to ensure that our programs are effective and that taxpayers' money is spent appropriately; however, what is most important is that we achieve good results for taxpayers that are measurable and concrete. With that in mind, it is the responsibility of every minister to ensure that departmental programs and objectives meet that requirement. That is what we do on a regular basis.
You referred to an anti-racism organization. That is something that falls within the purview of my colleague, the Secretary of State for Multiculturalism, Jason Kenney. I will give the Deputy Minister an opportunity to provide additional details on that specific point.
As regards CBC's budget requests, there is no doubt that the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is a public service that has its own management. I am confident and, in fact, very proud of the fact that Mr. Hubert Lacroix has been appointed CEO of CBC/Radio-Canada, as well as — a little earlier — Mr. Tim Casgrain as Chairman of the Board of Directors. There is no doubt in my mind that they will look at the overall operations of CBC/Radio-Canada with a view to efficiency and good service in a way that should be satisfactory.
Your final question had to do with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and infrastructure. We do have some money in the budget for requests relating to cultural infrastructure. However, if you're talking about recreational infrastructure, my colleague, the Minister of Transportation, Infrastructure and Communities, would be in a better position to answer that kind of question.
With respect to multiculturalism, I am going to ask Ms. Judith LaRocque to provide you with additional details.