I understand this is a different environment in terms of culture, and I want to come back to culture, if I can. This was an issue that was raised a few seconds ago.
Yes, I have a sports background, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy the opera. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy arts, that I don't read, or that I don't do more. Culture, for me, is all of these experiences together. It can't be narrowly defined, and that's what Radio-Canada, if we understand CBC/Radio-Canada, does not do. It's not narrowly defining culture.
We have a political culture, a business culture, an immigrant culture. Culture is more than simply one stratum of society. That's why CBC/Radio-Canada plays a very important role in bringing all of these cultures into the same spot and making sure that we, as Canadians, can look at this and weave this into a single Canadian identity. This is what culture is all about.
In some ways, when I look at the challenges I have, this is why I want to come in and listen and it's what I want to understand. I want to understand the culture in which I'm working, and I want to understand what culture means to CBC/Radio-Canada on a daily basis, so that my skills can actually be well used. I am not going to come in with a revolution in mind. I need to understand the environment I'm in before I can start managing it.