I understand it well; I think it's a big challenge. When we talked about challenges today, I told you about funding and I told you about the business environment. Another important challenge is to ensure that in prime time, high-quality Canadian TV content gets massively distributed to Canadians. That's a big issue. I think Richard and his team are doing a very good job at it.
A few minutes ago, a gentleman on one side of the table said, “Lacroix, we haven't heard you talk about shows yet.” The answer is, I really look forward, as January 2 turns around, to being able to tell you about the shows with the same passion that Robert Rabinovich did. You saw there was a very important launch a few days ago of a big show coming up, called The Border. Everybody's really excited about The Border. Let's see what it gives; it's high-quality Canadian content in prime time.