In fact, I have two converging questions—the pun is intended. There is an overall budget for the Corporation. The CBC has its share and Radio-Canada as well. I saw that Radio-Canada got less money than the CBC and that, paradoxically, the CBC had lower ratings than Radio-Canada because, whether we like it or not, it's an English-language broadcaster, and people outside Quebec tend more to watch American programs than those of the CBC, necessarily.
Do you think that we should base budgets on ratings instead? Since Radio-Canada has higher ratings, it should have more money to do more things, on the one hand.
On the other hand, as you know, the Government of Canada has recognized that Quebec forms a nation. As you surely also know, we don't talk about multiculturalism in Quebec, but rather about interculturalism. We don't talk about bilingualism, but rather about French and the French fact.
Are you considering, for example, taking this specific characteristic of Quebec into account, even though Radio-Canada isn't just watched in Quebec, but also by Francophones outside Quebec?
Do you think it's important that the French side of the Corporation be able to reflect what Canada has just recognized, that is to say that Quebec forms a nation and that its people is different from that of Canada?