Yes. Revenue solutions—for instance, a lot of broadcasters come to us and say there is this whole issue of part II fees under the Broadcasting Act. That is a special tax that's levied on broadcasters. It is like an extra two points of GST only for broadcasters. The broadcasters have taken the government to court and asked why they had to pay it because they don't benefit from the money. It goes to the CRF and they have absolutely no benefit from it. They won in the first instance. It went to the Federal Court. The federal government won in the second instance, and now it is going to the Supreme Court.
In the meantime, nobody is paying that tax. There are about $200 million of reserves that they carry on their books. Is this not a time to cut a deal? The government won its case. They're never going to get the money anyway because these broadcasters are broke. You know that. So why not make a deal here, saying we will stop this unfair tax? If we establish the principle, we can do it, but it makes no sense. On the other hand, you, the broadcasters, give up any claim for refund.
They have advanced this one to us many times. I've passed it on. It's not for me to settle, but it would certainly do a lot for their financial books.