First of all, let me be absolutely clear: a fee for carriage alone is not the answer; that's what I've said. I have not said that you can't have a fee for carriage as part of a comprehensive solution. It may very well be the case, but we need a comprehensive solution. Just levying a fee for carriage now would not solve the local content problem and the local station problem. That's what I said.
As far as the revenue problem is concerned, as you know, the industry consists of large groupings. The largest owner of specialty channels in Canada is CTV. CTV's specialty channels are quite lucrative and quite positive. It's the conventional channels.... It's by looking at the various categories that you come to these conclusions. What I say is let's look at the whole group and also make sure that some of the obligations we impose on conventional.... Maybe they're in the wrong place; maybe we should impose them on the specialty channels and thereby free up money for conventional channels and allow them to earn revenue better. That's part of the comprehensive solution: look at the enterprise, not at the various facets of the enterprise--this one hurts; this one is doing well; I have to do something for the one that hurts.