I'll go for it, sure.
With regard to the CRTC itself, in your October 2008 BDU policy, the following statement was in that report:
However, one of the consequences of consolidation appears to have been that the larger ownership groups have achieved operating synergies through concentrating production resources in major centres, at the expense of smaller local markets.
Are you saying, then, that your local improvement fund is the magic bullet by which you are going to fix this problem? Or is there something else in your thinking? Whether it's a fee for carriage or something else, is there something beyond that local improvement fund?
Second, I want to talk about new media for just a moment. You talked about having no illusions about regulating in the Internet. And it's true; you could spend six months looking at regulating content on the Internet and I could give my 14-year-old son 24 hours to get around it. So I agree with you on that point. But don't you think that you slowly become irrelevant by not...?
I don't make an appointment with my television anymore. I download my television. I live-stream it. That is going to be a big issue. Will that be addressed in the new media study?