I think what's been suggested here is a little bizarre. We've had a witness list and we're finalizing a report. He's asking to have other witnesses after we've had our final report, so he can have a dissenting report based on another set of witnesses. His report has to be based on the testimony we heard. We agreed to a witness list. We agreed we were only going to do this for two or three days. I remember Madame Lavallée and Mr. Rodriguez suggesting many, many witnesses, but all of us pared the list down, because we said were going to go on to other business.
So I don't see why at this point we should agree to another set of witnesses just so we can have their view in a dissenting report. We're finishing this report; it's going to be done. If at another point we want to talk to the Canada Council, we can. But testimony was brought forward here, people spoke about the Canada Council, and nobody on the Conservative side questioned that at the time. So it's absurd that we're going to hold a special meeting so he can fit its results into a dissenting report.