If I may just add something, one of the issues here is the whole question of consolidation, and I think that's where you're going with this question.
Just to be clear, in 1994 and 1996, in both of those rounds, there were specialty applications being considered by the CRTC. We applied for three services in each of those rounds, so a total of six services. We got only one licence.
The commission, at the time, wanted to let new entrants in for the sake of diversity. The irony, again, is that most of those new entrants have now sold their businesses for millions of dollars and have completely left the industry. Of course, they've been sold to companies like CTV and Canwest and others. We had to buy our way in because we didn't get the licences when we competed for them at that time.
The other thing is that in 1994 and 1996, again, we applied for licences in Alberta, and we were denied both times. In order to complete our conventional network, we had to buy the WIC over-the-air television stations. That was another acquisition that cost dollars.