So here's what you're referring to, sir. In the context of preparing the 2009-10 budget, 553 of our managers are on an incentive program. They're not on a guaranteed bonus program; they're on an incentive program. These programs allow an executive of CBC to get a bonus, based on some percentage of his or her salary, if the targets are met. This is incentive pay, but it's also pay directly related to the achievement of targets.
For 2009-10, in the context of the budget, we reduced the target incentive pay for our senior executives by anywhere from 25% to 50% and for the top senior people by 50%. This will represent a take-home hit for these senior executives that goes up to 20%. That is, sir, what you're referring to. And it's a contribution, by the way, of about $4 million to the budget cuts and the budget initiatives that we have for 2009 and 2010.